Yoga with Shyla

About Shyla

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Meet Shyla Gaebel

Meet Shyla Gaebel

As a Dakota woman from Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, I’ve been on a journey of reclaiming my roots and identity. I was raised by my mom in Regina, Saskatchewan on Treaty Four Land. For as long as I can remember, I was ashamed and embarrassed about being Indigenous. In 2018, I decided to find my birth father, this was the piece that opened the door to my own healing and reclaiming.

I received my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification in Regina, Saskatchewan, in 2019..

.In 2020, a chance encounter with another yogi from my reserve gifted me the opportunity to be able to visit Sioux Valley Dakota Nation for the very first time and meet family I didn’t know I had. Since then, I am committed to stepping into my power as a strong Dakota woman and a lifelong journey of reclaiming my culture and identity.

I’ve had many opportunities to teach yoga, including at the First Nations University, Saskpolytech, Sask Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP) , All Nations Healing Hospital, Sask Gaming, Indigenous Services Canada, and White Raven Healing Center. 

In June of 2021, I received my 300 hour Trauma Informed Teacher Training Certificate and have made it my mission to teach the healing practice of yoga to Residential School Survivors and the First Nations Community. I strongly believe this practice should be accessible and available to all.

By teaching from an Indigenous perspective, I show how one can find balance — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually through the ceremony of yoga. 

To practice with me & explore my offerings, please click the buttons below.